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Our Blog

It’s Everywhere!! A Spotlight on the 2018 Salmonella Outbreaks

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | December 15, 2018

What Salmonellosis? That is a funny sounding word to describe a pretty nasty illness caused by a really bad germ.  Whether obvious or not, you have certainly come in contact with that big bad germ at some point.  Salmonella is in… read more

Feeling Lucky at the Group Pot Luck? Think Potluck Food Safety.

Food Safety,Our Blog | December 14, 2018

Summer’s heat often brings the threat of foodborne illness from outdoor gatherings such as barbecues and pool parties.  As temperatures begin to cool and the calendar flips to November, this time of year brings about the not-so-silent threat of pot… read more

Food Poisoning is an Ongoing Health Issue

Food Safety,Listeria,Our Blog | December 13, 2018

Food poisoning is a very serious and entirely relevant health problem today, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Foodborne illnesses directly result in well over 9.4 million illnesses every year in the United States alone, and most… read more

Is Reheating Rice a Good Idea?

Our Blog | December 11, 2018

Leftovers; the meal of champions for busy folks all over the world. My fridge is usually a mixture of easy things for the kids to grab and some leftovers of either take out or things I have prepared a little… read more

Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | December 10, 2018

A few gamblers at Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort in North Carolina brought home dubious winnings this year. There have been three confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease in visitors to the casino from May through November 2018. It’s possible there are… read more

i3 & Ecoberries – Food Safety Tech

Food Safety,Our Blog | December 9, 2018

We live in an age of scientific wonders. That’s a statement so obvious that it’s very nearly banal, but it’s also true; all around us, scientific advancement is picking up the pace, churning out unheard-of new technologies and techniques at… read more

Goat Meat – The Most Popular Protein in the World?

Food Safety,Our Blog,Raw Milk | December 7, 2018

What’s the most popular animal worldwide for eating? It isn’t the cows, whose flatulent methane output makes them the second major greenhouse-gas producing species in the world after humans. It isn’t pigs, who are smarter than you think and have… read more

December 6th is Microwave Oven Day!  Everything You Wanted to Know About That Helpful Device

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | December 6, 2018

December 6 marks Microwave Oven Day.  This life changing appliance has made life easier for college students, single people, over-worked parents, and kids wanting some independence.  This happy little appliance makes for convenient and quick reheating or even cooking. On… read more

Home Chef Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | December 6, 2018

Food has the wonderful power of being transformed with intuitive thinking. Even the blandest food and the most basic combinations can turn fruit, vegetables and other delights into a delicious masterpiece. Each meticulous food masterpiece is not without its risks…. read more

What To Do When Your Kid Eats Dirt & Other Nasty Things

Food Safety,Our Blog | December 5, 2018

Parents unite! We have all faced it. We are sitting around unsuspecting that anything is about to go wrong when all of a sudden your child does it; and by it I mean eats something absolutely disgusting. I mean so… read more