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Our Blog

Yuma Romaine Lettuce Outbreak – It’s the Water

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 10, 2019

The water that’s irrigating our plants is making us sick. At least when it comes to the Yuma Romaine Lettuce outbreak. That’s the upshot of an excellent new investigation from Wired that looks into the spate of food poisoning that… read more

How the Government Shutdown Effects Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | January 9, 2019

With the government shut down entering its 18th day, the third longest of twenty-one shutdowns on record, people are starting to wonder what that means for agencies like the FDA and USDA. There have been highly publicized effects of the… read more

Long Phung Pork Rolls Recall and Outbreak

Listeria,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 8, 2019

The Food Safety Inspection Service of the US Department of Agriculture is recalling seven kinds of Vietnamese pork rolls distributed by Long Phung Foods of Houston, Texas over fears that they may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. The recall was… read more

Beef Recall; It’s Not For Dinner (Again)

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 8, 2019

JBS USA is the Nation’s largest beef processor and the recalls are flying out yet again. This time nearly 50 tons of ground beef have been pulled from shelves due to Ecoli. CBS News reported the following: Swift Beef Co…. read more

What’s in Your Kitchen?  A Week in Recalls: Sunflower Butter, Potato Chips, Milk, Packaged Sandwiches.

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 5, 2019 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls.  Putting recalled lots, UPC codes, and contact information for recalled products in one convenient place helps… read more

Adam Bros. Red Lettuce Recall

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 5, 2019

A Santa Maria, California farm that has been linked to the romaine lettuce warning from the CDC on the eve of Thanksgiving has issued a voluntary recall for several other produce items. Red lettuce, green lettuce, and cauliflower items produced… read more

Possible Food Poisoning Outbreak at Barbarie’s Black Angus Grill in Danbury

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 5, 2019

When we go out to a restaurant, we normally do so with expectation that the food provided there will be tasty, enjoyable, and most importantly: not give us food poisoning. However, according to news reports, officials have been investigating a… read more

Adams Bros. – The Alleged Culprit Behind the Latest Romaine Scare

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 4, 2019

Adam Bros., a farm in Santa Maria, California, has been identified as a potential culprit behind the romaine lettuce scare that preceded this past Thanksgiving. The CDC and FDA issued sweeping statements warning people against eating romaine after registering an… read more

First Recall of 2019; Listeria Tainted Sunflower Butter

Listeria,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 2, 2019

2019 came in with its first recall on the 2nd day although the report dates back to December 18, 2018. We kicked it off with the Listeria Tainted Sunflower Butter recall. Oskri Organics Corporation of Lake Mills, WI is recalling… read more

Did You Know September was a Busy Month for FDA?

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 2, 2019

The FDA was pretty busy during the month of September, issuing 7 Warning Letters.  What is the FDA you might ask?  The acronym FDA stands for United States Food and Drug Administration.  As the name suggests, they regulate Foods and… read more