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Our Blog

What is the Deal with Pink Slime?

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | March 5, 2019

Do you remember pink slime? The United States Department of Agriculture remembers. They’ve been pouring over literature on the stuff for six months in 2018. There were consumer reviews, panels of experts, and tours of the plant where the product… read more

Should You Go Nuts? Absolutely! Nuts are Good For You

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog,Science | March 4, 2019

As I sit here at my desk awaiting what is sure to be a plethora of parents for parent teacher conferences, I munch on my favorite nuts: pistachios. Being a type 2 diabetic, I’m vigilant about what I eat. (Did… read more

Mardi Gras Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | March 4, 2019

Laisser les bons temps rouler! Let the good times roll! March 5th is quickly approaching, and we know that means: Mardi Gras 2019! And us at MakeFoodSafe are thinking about the food. The glorious Mardi Gras food. So, in typical MakeFoodSafe fashion,… read more

A Peanut Allergy Cure on the Horizon?

Food Allergens,Food Safety,Our Blog | March 3, 2019

Long have medical professionals sought to desensitize the allergic to their allergens through low levels of exposure – think an allergy vaccine. And according to a report from the Washington Post, a company called Aimmune is seeking to curb peanut… read more

Could the Keto Diet Up Your Food Poisoning Risk?

Our Blog | March 2, 2019

Could your fad diet make you more susceptible to foodborne infection?  Research studies say yes.  A University College Cork study in Ireland took a look at high fat diets and susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes infection. Could there be a Keto… read more

Scrape Off the Mold or Toss the Jar?

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | March 1, 2019

Theresa May is fully jam-packed right now, with some consequential decisions in line covering Brexit and all that, but when it comes to the actual jam – the kind that is made from fruits – she knows exactly what to… read more

Are We About to See Cyclospora Spring Again?

Cyclospora,Cyclospora,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 1, 2019

In 2018, Cyclospora became the reason behind one of the largest outbreaks in US history. It caused a total of 761 illnesses and even caused McDonalds to stop selling salads in over 3000 locations. This outbreak occurred in July 2018…. read more

The Real Happy Meal: Your Brain on Fatty Acids

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | February 28, 2019

Ignore the golden arches and value menus and focus closer to home. Take yourself through your front door, up the stairs, and onto your couch, then look even closer than that. It’s not your Netflix account or your phone that’ll… read more

Preventing Foreign Material Contamination. What Works. What Doesn’t.

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | February 27, 2019

Foreign material contamination occurs when something not intended to be included or consumed ends up in the food.  This is becoming a growing food recall topic despite the many different ways that food manufacturers can prevent and detect this type… read more

Bronx Hospital to Install New Cooling Towers

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | February 27, 2019

NYC health + hospitals, which is the largest public health care system in US,  announced complete installation of state-of-art antimicrobial cooling towers. These cooling towers are installed to reduce the risk of harmful bacteria like Legionella in the water system…. read more