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Our Blog

ALDI Bakers Corner Flour Ecoli O26 Outbreak

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 26, 2019

Imagine my dismay when learning that Aldi Baker’s Corner Flour has been linked to an Ecoli O26 outbreak. A product that is a staple in our home and is so reasonably priced that we often stock up for our cooking… read more

Bakers Corner Flour Ecoli Outbreak

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 24, 2019

Bakers beware. There’s yet another outbreak of Ecoli linked to flour – this time there’s an Bakers Corner Flour Ecoli Outbreak. So grab a pen and get ready to check your pantries. There’s an Ecoli O26 outbreak and a recall…. read more

5 Dead, 22 Ill in Legionnaires Disease Outbreak in Union County, New Jersey

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 24, 2019

Hot off the presses! The New Jersey Department of Health has announced a fatal Union County Legionnaires Disease outbreak. Here’s What You Need to Know Public health officials are investigating a cluster of Legionnaires disease among people who live in¾or… read more

Del Monte Veggie Tray Salmonella Outbreak

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | May 21, 2019

Del Monte is back in the news today. Why? Not for Cyclospora. But instead for a Del Monte Veggie Tray Salmonella Outbreak. Here’s what we know right now about this latest Del Monte Veggie Tray Salmonella Outbreak: The Announcement Just… read more

The FDA’s Recall Authority

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 17, 2019

Here’s a scary situation: what happens if the government finds out that a particular food is contaminated or dangerous (like with Listeria), asks the company that made the food to recall it — and they don’t comply? What IS the… read more

2019 Backyard Poultry Salmonella Outbreak

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | May 16, 2019

The concept of a backyard flock, or raising chickens on your own property for eggs or meat, is increasing in popularity. Who doesn’t like fresh eggs? What better way to know where your food comes from than to raise it… read more

Harvesting Food After Hurricane

Our Blog | May 16, 2019

Feeling like there was a hurricane or tropical storm every time we turned around over much of the summer and into the fall was a scary time for so many people. It felt like literally we would get over the… read more

Salmonella Tahini Outbreak – Texas Cases Reported

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | May 16, 2019

Hummus and baba ganoush lovers take caution today. There is a Salmonella Tahini Outbreak linked to Karawan or El-Karawan labeled tahini. This is especially concerning news for people like me who love Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes. There is a… read more

Legionnaires in New Jersey

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 15, 2019

Legionnaire’s, the disease that famously attacks not just individuals or groups but entire apartment buildings and their cooling towers, has struck once again in the United States. This time, it’s a complex of senior citizen apartments in Newark, New Jersey… read more

Legionnaires’ Disease in Flint

Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 14, 2019

Flint, Michigan.  Once known famously as the home to General Motors largest automotive plant, later infamously for their contaminated water crisis is in the news yet again.  You can continue to put this one in the infamous column with adding… read more