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Our Blog

Coxiella burnetii Raw Milk Outbreak

Our Blog | June 7, 2023

A Montana County issued a statement this week reminding residents of the dangers of consuming raw milk.  Two cows from a farm that sells unpasteurized milk at a local farmers market tested positive for Coxiella burnetii, a bacteria that causes… read more

2022 Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cantaloupe

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 7, 2023

The kids are hearing the school bell ring for the last time this year. People are planning vacations. Picnics and fresh fruit are on the menu.   Melons are especially popular this time of year. The refreshing juicy fruit provides… read more

Hallettsville’s Cabos San Lucas Shigella Outbreak in Lavaca County

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Shigella | June 2, 2023

If you got sick with Shigella from the potential Cabos San Lucas Shingella outbreak and are interested in making a legal claim for compensation, The Lange Law Firm can help. Call us for a free legal consultation at (833) 330-3663… read more

Cricket Creek Farm Cheese Listeria Outbreak

Listeria,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 30, 2023

An outbreak of Listeria illnesses has been linked to a pasteurized cheese product distributed in Massachusetts and New York. Here is everything we know about the Cricket Creek Farm Cheese Listeria Outbreak: About the Cricket Creek Farm Cheese Listeria Outbreak… read more

Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough Salmonella Outbreak

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | May 25, 2023

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is currently investigating a cluster of 4 cases of Salmonella linked to a popular “take and bake” restaurant. But they are not the only state health department working toward that answer. Here is what we… read more

Brote de Salmonela en la Taqueria Los Amigos

Our Blog | May 23, 2023

Un brote de salmonela se ha relacionado con la ubicación de una popular cadena de restaurantes de tacos en el vecindario Brighton de Boston, dijeron el viernes funcionarios de salud. Hasta el momento, una demanda ha sido presentada por una… read more

LA Fitness Legionnaires Lawsuit

Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 20, 2023

Gyms can be full of germs. Public equipment with sweating strangers, and only a wipe of a terry cloth towel between you and the next user. Labored breathing aerosolizing all kinds of potentially contagious bugs in the air. But what… read more

Los Amigos Taqueria Salmonella – Lawsuit Filed

Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | May 19, 2023

An outbreak of salmonella has been linked to a location of a popular taco chain restaurant in Boston’s Brighton neighborhood, health officials said Friday. A lawsuit has been filed by a sick individual thus far. Here’s what we know about… read more

Illinois LA Fitness Legionnaires Outbreak

Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 18, 2023

Local news outlets have announced a potential outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease linked to an LA Fitness in Niles, Illinois. Here’s everything we know about this Illinois LA Fitness Legionnaires Outbreak: Illinois LA Fitness Legionnaires Outbreak Two cases of Legionnaires’ disease… read more

SLO County Public Health Norovirus Outbreak

Norovirus,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 11, 2023

Norovirus, also known to most people as a “stomach bug” or “stomach flu” is a foodborne illness. Nearly 100 people (at last reported count) have been sickened in San Luis Obispo County this month. The San Luis Obispo County Public… read more