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Food Safety

Enduring Concerns about Pesticide Food Contamination

Food Policy,Food Safety | May 27, 2018

It is one of the foundations of the organic food movement – the concerns over pesticides and food safety. There exists a great deal of concern over whether pesticides are poison, and if they are the basis for certain health… read more

These 7 Foods are Most Likely to Give You Food Poisoning

Food Safety | April 9, 2018

Food poisoning has become quite common in the United States with 1 in 6 people getting affected by these illnesses in some form each year. While some cases of food poisoning may only involve minor stomach gurgles, others can cause… read more

Raw Milk Linked to Drug Resistant Campylobacter Infections

Campylobacter,Food Safety | April 8, 2018

Recently, the CDC reported a troubling outbreak linked to raw milk and Campylobacter infections. With the rise in raw milk sales, the CDC is calling for more governmental intervention in states where raw milk sales are not regulated. Despite the… read more

Oh No! Not the Wine! Arsenic Contamination Lawsuit in Popular California Wines

Food Safety | April 8, 2018

Perhaps one of the simplest and greatest pleasures come from arriving home from a long, complicated, and perhaps combative day at work and pouring a long-anticipated glass of wine. On the contrary, perhaps it was a triumphant day with much… read more

Doggie Danger: More Dog Food and Treats Recalled

Food Safety,Salmonella | April 8, 2018

In recent months, a slew of animal foods, from treats to kibble, have found themselves under recall and scrutiny along with their human counterparts. Reports, even as recent as last month, have made claims of the findings of euthanasia drugs… read more

Keeping Us Safe – What’s Being Done in Food Safety Research

Food Safety,Science | April 8, 2018

I frequently see various memes on social media proclaiming the virtues of being a baby boomer, a generational term that includes me. These memes colorfully describe what it was like “all those years ago”, when we left the house in… read more