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Food Safety

New Tech is Just What We Need for Food Safety

Food Safety | June 8, 2018

How far does your food travel to get to your plate? It’s a question consumers might not be in the habit of asking themselves as they shop but in the interest of making optimal food choices, they should. The CUESA… read more

Is Romaine Safe to Eat Again?

E. coli,Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 7, 2018

The CDC has given its thumbs up to return to eating whole, chopped, and pre-washed bags of romaine lettuce from retailers and restaurants. This move comes after an E. coli O157:H7 Romaine Lettuce outbreak led FDA and CDC urging the consumers… read more

Finding Opioids in Mussels – Anyone See a Problem Here?

Food Safety,Water | June 7, 2018

A surprising finding from an inlet of the Pacific Ocean alongside the northwest coast of Washington reveals that the mussels from this region tested positive for the prescription opioid Oxycodone. This shocking news comes in the midst of the ongoing opioid… read more

We Are Obsessed with GMOs, But What The Heck Are They?

Food Safety | June 7, 2018

Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs for short, refer to species with new traits created through genetic manipulation where genes from another species are inserted into the organism’s genetic code, often through transgenesis. GMOs have not always been viewed with a… read more

Tale as Old As Time: Bacteria and the Bee

Food Safety | June 7, 2018

Modern monoculture farming, commercial forestry, and gardeners have good intentions. But they could unknowingly make it harder for the honeybees to store their food and fight against the diseases, according to a new study. There are a lot of changes… read more

FDA Tells Amazon to Register, Amazon Says “Nah”

Food Policy,Food Safety | June 1, 2018

Online retailer Amazon will ship just about anything to your house – including foods like peanut butter, whey powder, cat food, sour patch kids, and beef jerky just to name a few. The Food and Drug Administration has taken notice… read more

Making Safe Baby Food – Sans Pathogens

Food Safety | June 1, 2018

Have you tried making your own baby food yet? I love it! I’ve done it for two of my babies now, and I would never consider buying store-bought baby food at this point because there are so many benefits to… read more

MakeFoodSafe Recognized as a Top 30 Food Safety Blog

Food Safety | May 31, 2018

As the Editor of, I am thrilled and proud to announce that has made it into Feedspot’s Top 30 Food Safety blogs! We are so grateful that our friends at Feedspot have taken the time to recognize our… read more

Memorial Day Food Safety Tips n’ Tricks

Food Safety | May 27, 2018

Ah, summer, glorious summer. Memorial Day has historically been the official kickoff day of the summer season. The kids are just getting out of school. Vacations are in the works. The weather is warm. And it is the time of… read more

Last Dance with Mary Jane – Deaths Associated with Synthetic Marijuana

Food Policy,Food Safety | May 27, 2018

Cannabis. Marijuana. Mary Jane. There are several names for a plant that many people smoke and even eat. With the growing political changes in the United States, marijuana has become more and more mainstream – even inspiring cookbooks highlighting the… read more