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Food Safety

Cyclospora Makes More Rounds This Year

Cyclospora,Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | July 2, 2018

Wisconsin and Minnesota are grappling with an wave of parasites linked to trays of fresh-cut fruit. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, infection with cyclospora has sickened more than three dozen Minnesotans over the past month. Cyclospora has been… read more

Food and Fireworks

Food Safety | July 1, 2018 Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love the time spent with family, friends, and of course, the fireworks display. I equally love the opportunity to wear the worn and faded Old Navy Fourth of July… read more

Safety and Saftea

Food Safety | July 1, 2018

Do you know what is in your tea? Not the tea that you make at home obviously, but the tea that is often served in restaurants. Living in the South, I often joke with people that sweet tea is the… read more

What You Can Do When Your Caterer Sickens You (And Your Guests)

Food Safety | July 1, 2018

By: Wayne Cohen. When you hire a catering company for your private event, you expect them to do their job without any sort of hiccups. I mean, this is what they do, right? They are trained to make tasty, safe… read more

How Proper Food Storage Can Fend of Food Poisoning

Food Safety | July 1, 2018

Open your refrigerator door and take a good look inside. What do you see? If you’re looking at packages of raw chicken, beef or pork, lettuce, vegetables, or even fresh fruit, you’ll want to pay close attention to what I’m… read more

Chillin’ and Grillin’ Without Food Poisoning

E. coli,Food Safety | June 30, 2018

With summer here to stay for the next few months, people are preparing to soak up in the sun as much as possible by going on camping, going for a hike, or just engaging in the most simple and popular… read more

Report Foodborne Illness and Save a Life!

Food Policy,Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 29, 2018

We’ve all been there at some point in our lives.  We are feeling just fine, and then all of the sudden it hits you.  Like a ton of bathroom bricks.  It might start with a bit of diarrhea.  It’s just… read more

Picnic Food Safety – What I Learned from Eating Bad Food…

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls,Staphyloccocous | June 28, 2018

Ahh summertime. Outside of Fall, it is my favorite time of year. I’m not a fan of winter, which is odd considering I live in the North West. If you were to ask what makes the warmer times of the… read more

Is There Really a “Right” Way to Wash Your Food?

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 28, 2018

What’s the right way to wash your food? It’s not a simple question to answer. Filtered water? Carbonated water? A bit of dish soap? Two drops of bleach? This is an odd, but question often asked, especially when it comes… read more

Are Food Trucks Safe & Regulated?

Food Safety | June 28, 2018

Dining from food trucks is one of my absolute favorite things to do. Traveling to new places and tasting what is usually local food is one of my favorite parts of any trip. Locally, we have “soul food” trucks that… read more