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Food Safety

Contaminated Candy

Food Safety | July 15, 2018

Just when the FDA found rodents in egg facilities, now candy has fallen victim. This year, the New England Confectionery Co., the home of Necco Wafers and Sweethearts, received a warning letter from the FDA about the insanitary conditions in… read more

Fair Food – Keeping the Fun in Funnel Cake

Food Safety | July 14, 2018

The dog days of summer are still upon us, and all across the country, Americans are making the most of long days and warm nights by paying a visit to their state or county fair. Fairs are a quintessential summer… read more

The Right Way to Wash Your Produce: A Fruit and Vegetable Shower Guide

Food Safety | July 10, 2018

Scrub-a-dub-dub, there’s pathogens in your grub… and this is why washing your fruits and vegetables is more than a suggestion. It is a downright necessity. That juicy peach ripe for the picking is also host to harmful bacteria. That’s because… read more

What’s All the Buzz About Honey Bees? Is There a Solution Right in Our Own Backyards?

Food Safety | July 9, 2018

When we think of bees, many of us picture bumble bees or honey bees. Or maybe some of us conjure up yellow jackets, which are not really bees at all, but wasps. (Besides, no one likes yellow jackets or wasps…. read more

Meat Made in a Lab? What?

Food Policy,Food Safety | July 8, 2018

You can’t buy it at the supermarket. Not yet, anyway. But companies in the United States and abroad are growing meat from cell cultures in labs. And they’re hoping to eventually do to the deli what soymilk did to the… read more

The Bread Brew – Turning Leftovers into Beer

Food Policy,Food Safety | July 7, 2018

Food waste is a BIG problem, especially in a world where so many are struggling with food insecurity. In fact, over $160 billion worth of produce alone is wasted each year in the United States. Want more stats? According to… read more

Put Down that Snackbox, There May Be an Issue with Your Imported Food!

Food Policy,Food Safety | July 7, 2018

The likelihood that your lunch contains some percentage or other of imported food is great. In fact, I would say, it is a given. Did you know that the average American eats roughly 260 pounds of imported food per year?… read more

Melt in Your Mouth, Not Up Your Nose: A Warning to Snorting Chocolate

Food Safety | July 6, 2018

It’s 2018, and humans have accomplished amazing feats, from launching a Tesla into orbit to cloning monkeys. For the good or bad, science is progressing. With each moment of success, I’m awed by the vast potential of Earth’s occupants. Then,… read more

Fossilized Algae – A Key to Food Safety Testing

Food Insecurity,Food Safety | July 3, 2018

It is slimy, green, and lives at the bottom of the ocean – and other unfiltered water sources. Algae. Researchers believe fossilized algae can be a key component to food safety testing. Looking into Algae  A group of researchers from… read more

Wanton Wunderlust – Don’t Let Food Poisoning Ruin Your Vacay

Food Safety | July 2, 2018

Summer seems like the best time of year to travel and explore the world. The kids are out of school. The weather is warm. And everyone just seems like they are in that vacation mood. But, summer months come with… read more