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Food Safety

Getting the A+: Restaurant Inspections and Food Safety

Food Policy,Food Safety | July 27, 2018

Most of us really enjoy dining at restaurants. I know I do. But how can we be sure that the food we consume is safe to eat? With all the recent recalls involving everything from lettuce, meat, melons and even… read more

Congrats to University of TN on Its Food Safety Grant!

Food Policy,Food Safety | July 26, 2018

In late June, the University of Tennessee was jumping for joy when they discovered they had been awarded a grant in the amount of $450,000 to research food safety. According to the Associated Press, “The university said in a news… read more

Cockroaches – The New Super Food?

Food Policy,Food Safety | July 26, 2018

Cockroaches are well-known to be absolutely disgusting. You see them in only the nastiest of places like dumpsters and porta-johns, but scientists are currently attempting to change our perception of these widely disliked insects. Would you ever think of eating… read more

MILK – Pasteurized Organic vs. Regular

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | July 25, 2018

These days, most of us have been taught to understand that organic products are always better for you than the regular stuff. Allegedly, organic produce is cleaner and not coated in pesticides, organic chips are healthier than nonorganic chips, organic… read more

Are You Kombucha Curious?

Food Safety | July 22, 2018

Are you kombucha curious?  What is it anyway? Kombucha is essentially a fermented tea made by adding a culture to a sweetened tea mixture.  The culture of beneficial bacteria and yeast consume the sweetened tea and transform it into a… read more

Foodborne Illness Thwarted by Sex Appeal?

Food Safety | July 19, 2018

Not only does sex sell, but it’s also attempting to make foods safe. Well, not directly, but for one product sex appeal is the means to a solution. How is one company capitalizing on sex appeal to thwart food safety… read more

What’s in Your Kitchen? 7/16 Week in Recalls

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | July 17, 2018 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods.  Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls.  Some recalls are issued due to undeclared allergens, which could cause serious or life-threatening allergic reaction… read more

Hurricane Havoc – Thinking About Food Safety After a Hurricane

Food Safety,Water | July 17, 2018

Hurricane season is upon us. Living on the East Coast, although not exactly in a coastal area, we are sometimes threatened by hurricane season. Often when storms come from the Gulf areas and towards The Carolinas we know that power… read more

Amazon’s Solution to Food Deserts

Food Insecurity,Food Policy,Food Safety | July 16, 2018

Don’t be fooled: it’s not food desserts; the following is information on food deserts. (I know…I myself would have enjoyed reading about all things gooey and absolutely delicious). But this whole topic deserves attention, and underscores the food insecurity problem… read more

Microwaving Meltdown? Is it Safe to Microwave Plastics?

Food Safety | July 16, 2018

In this fast-paced world, we are always looking for things to make our lives easier.  But at what cost.  Take the simple task of re-heating food.  While some people may have the time to prepare and cook a full meal… read more