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Food Safety

Farmers Market Safety

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | August 15, 2018

Farmers’ market is a great way to buy fresh, local foods while supporting local farmers and artisans. They are growing in popularity these days. They provide a great way to ensure that the sales directly go back to the farm…. read more

Cookbooks – Great on Recipes, Bad on Food Safety

Food Safety | August 15, 2018

Food safety has become a major concern these days as easily seen by the number of recalls and outbreaks we read about in the news on a regular basis. And this concern has spread to our kitchens as well. There… read more

Re-freezing Ice Cream Can Cause a Digestive Melt Down

Food Safety | August 14, 2018

“I scream, You scream, we all scream for ice cream!”  These are the words that bring a smile to your face and perhaps a brain freeze to the noggin.  Turns out even safe ice cream can have dire consequences if… read more

Bacon, the Bad Guy or the Good: The Healthy vs. Unhealthy Debate

Food Safety | August 14, 2018

I love bacon. Let’s start right there. I’ve loved bacon since the first juicy bite. Applewood. Smoked. All of its fatty goodness.  In fact, I’ve judged individuals based on their bacon-cooking style. I know, it’s petty, but we all have… read more

Kissing Chickens Leads to Salmonella

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | August 12, 2018

While we’re certainly tired of facing salmonella outbreaks, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s such a common infection in American. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, salmonella poisoning is responsible for nearly half of the gastrointestinal… read more

Our Pets and Pathogens: Food Safety for Your Pet

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | August 12, 2018

There’s probably nothing more precious in life than the relationships we share, and this extends to our pets. Yet, our pets are susceptible to the same foodborne pathogens that humans are, and it is perhaps more important to practice food… read more

Chillax – GMO Labels Got Your Back

Food Safety | August 11, 2018

Many people believe that knowing is half the battle. This is true when it comes to most things in life, and apparently, this applies when purchasing foods that feature labels stating that the food contains genetically modified products or GMOs…. read more

What Can You Eat After an Organ Transplant?

Food Safety | August 11, 2018

Having an organ transplant is a monumental event. For the recipient, receiving “the gift of life” inevitably involves making important life changes to optimize health post-transplant. Some of these adjustments involve lifestyle changes, such as avoiding crowded spaces unless wearing… read more

Road Kill for Dinner? The Truth About Wild Game.

Food Safety | August 9, 2018

Road kill for dinner?  Well, not exactly.  When responsibly hunted and humanely harvested, wild game can help keep ecosystems from becoming over populated and allow the more adventurous types to “live off the land.”  Wild game can add a little… read more

Teens Need to Learn the Tricks (Of Food Safety,That Is)

Food Safety | August 6, 2018

Teenagers are a unique breed of individuals with the capacity to almost simultaneously be charming, lazy, loving, innovative, confusing, dynamic, frustrating, and hopelessly naïve. This same naiveté extends to the area of how important it is to treat food right…. read more