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Food Safety

Recycled Plastics Could Cause Tummy Troubles (Among Other Things)

Food Safety | September 17, 2018

Growing up, I was told to never microwave foods in plastic containers, even if they said microwave safe. This is something that I just carried over into adulthood, but it appears there is more to this theory and using plastic… read more

Learning The Mistakes I Made

Food Safety | September 17, 2018

Writing about outbreaks and food safety, I often reflect back on my bad experiences.  One in particular happened a few years ago – “Pre-  Even then I knew that I probably handled the situation badly.  With all I know… read more

Hurricane Food Safety: Preparing for Florence

Food Safety | September 11, 2018

The past few days here in Virginia have been about prepping, and it isn’t over just yet. Hurricane Florence is raging in the Atlantic and we are still unsure where she will end up, but what we do know is… read more

The Plants of Survival: When Every Bite Counts

Food Insecurity,Food Safety | September 9, 2018

You’ve put yourself in a camping predicament. Your easy-eats have run out, and you are hungry. When was the last time you had food? It’s been a while and you’re becoming very uneasy about your situation. It doesn’t matter anymore… read more

The Second Battle of the Bulge: Food Addiction Fast Foods Edition

Food Policy,Food Safety | September 3, 2018

I believe that with few exceptions, most of us would look at the picture above and exclaim “Oh that looks soooooo good”! It’s almost a knee-jerk reaction due to years of conditioned responses delivered by countless and relentless media messages…. read more

Robot Servers – Gimmick or Good Idea?

Food Safety | September 1, 2018

Every once in a while a restaurant will pop up promising something new. It might be a new dish, a different style, a theme not yet seen, or something fresh in the menu. In the case of Spyce, from Boston,… read more

We Have a Super BIG Problem with Superbugs in Our Food

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls,Pathogens | August 30, 2018

Scientists are sounding the alarm on growing resistance to antibiotics in bacteria. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria already kill tens of thousands each year. Some worry that they will be responsible for our next global epidemic. And there’s a significant chance that that… read more

It’s Toasted Marshmallow Day!

Food Safety | August 30, 2018

The school year may be upon us, but the official days of Summer continue for just a little longer.  If you haven’t already experienced this Summer staple, what better day than National Toasted Marshmallow Day, celebrated this year on August… read more

A FSMA Shakeup in the Future?

Food Policy,Food Safety | August 30, 2018

The Trump administration has proposed a reorganization of the federal government that would dramatically change the way that food safety is handled. The plan seeks to consolidate the various agencies that regulate food in the United States so that their… read more

Foodborne Illness in Schools: Common Causes

Food Safety | August 28, 2018

The school year is officially starting and with that comes a somewhat extensive list of health risks and concerns. Not only are we about to see a rise in colds and flus, but it’s also possible to start seeing varying… read more