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Food Safety

Pasha Salmonella Outbreak Update

Food Safety,Our Blog,Salmonella | September 24, 2018

A vast infection that has been pegged as the largest foodborne outbreak since the 1990s and the Peanut Gallery has now left nearly 400 San Antonio residence or visitors afflicted by illness. Pasha Mediterranean Grill, a ten-year-old restaurant, has gained… read more

Food Additives and Children’s Behavior

Food Safety | September 24, 2018

I can distinctly remember certain times in my childhood, and many of them were highlighted by food, glorious food. Food is simply wonderful in so many forms, and its associations multiply and are called forth from memory by sight or… read more

Plastic Food Safety Risks to Our Food?

Food Safety | September 24, 2018

Plastics, as true products of our times, are both essential and dangerous. They’re flexible, cheap, and useful for making almost anything. They are versatile and easy to come by. In half a century, they’ve found one way or another to… read more

Hey Honey! It’s National Honey Month!

Food Safety | September 23, 2018

Backyard beekeepers rejoice! September is National Honey Month, and we are jumping for joy in our house. Why are we jumping for joy you ask? It is all because of Honey; a deliciously sweet treat that literally goes with everything…. read more

Food Cravings & You

Food Safety | September 21, 2018

Imagine for a moment that you were presented with your absolute favorite food. It could be snack chips, chocolate, some sort of desert, ice cream, fast food: the list is endless, and is usually bad for you. Of course it… read more

Cuts to CDC Epidemic Prevention Endanger Americans

Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | September 21, 2018

A former chief of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the decision of the Center to cut down 80% of the CDC epidemic prevention activities overseas could raise the danger for the United States. The… read more

Pumpkin Spice Latte Addiction

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 20, 2018

Do you or someone you know have PSL Addiction?  This affliction often pulls new victims into its grasp this time of year?  Both effects and withdrawal symptoms could be compared to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.  What am… read more

Kids Play With Food? Is it Safe?

Food Safety | September 20, 2018

Jell-O recently came out with some kits that encourage kids to play with their food. Literally.  The company is now 121 years old and I would like to trust them as a parent that they have my child’s best intentions… read more

Could Your Smartphone or Tablet in the Kitchen Make You Sick?

Food Safety | September 19, 2018

We have all done it; a perfect recipe that you need to prepare but you can’t remember the recipe by heart because it is brand new. It was on the internet, maybe even on a best friend’s social media. You… read more

Food Safety in the Time of Hurricanes

Food Safety,Water | September 18, 2018

For many people across the United States, the end of summer means long, warm evenings, days that grow steadily shorter, and a changing of gears in anticipation of the fall. Schools are filling back up; Starbucks is debuting their usual… read more