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Food Safety

Fall Food Safety

Food Safety | October 7, 2018

Food safety is a concern for all the seasons, but since we’re quickly entering the beautiful season of autumn, it’s wise to consider the health risks. Not only is the weather changing and norovirus season about to swiftly be upon… read more

Eating Pumpkin – Make a Meal From Your Jack-O-Lantern

Food Safety | October 6, 2018

This time of year everywhere we turn there are pumpkins. Most people see them and immediately think of what they could carve from these round figures, but others wonder what they could create to eat. Some cringe at the idea… read more

Meal Kit Safety and You

Food Safety | October 6, 2018

Meal Kit delivery services are convenient. For the busy mom, the bachelor, or the college co-ed who wants to learn to cook, they are an amazing new tool. They promise to deliver at your door high quality homemade meals with… read more

Happy World Noodle Day!

Food Safety | October 6, 2018

Happy World Noodle Day! All hail the power of noodles. 6th of October is world noodle day, the day that the world can celebrate noodles in all their glory. For who would have thought that something so simple could be… read more

Red Light – Green Light: Shopping Cart Bacteria

Food Safety,Pathogens | October 5, 2018

The official start of fall is just around the corner, but for many parts of the country this doesn’t mean much when it comes to the temperature dial.  At least not right away.  While temperatures scorch and it’s hot enough,… read more

It’s National Taco Day!

Food Safety | October 4, 2018

We’re all well accustomed to the famous “Taco Tuesday” where Americans everywhere celebrate this delicious, spicy meal weekly, but did you know that tacos also have a holiday? And that holiday is today? Happy Taco Day! This culinary fiesta is… read more

Of Pesticides, Produce and PLU Codes

Food Policy,Food Safety | October 3, 2018

How many of us have taken our chances with something? Does it extend to your purchases of food? I would have to say most likely not. We check expiration dates, sell by dates; we visually examine food for signs of… read more

Old School Food Safety May Lead to Illnesses: A Personal Expirience

Food Safety | October 2, 2018

Ever gotten food poisoning at a family gathering?  I have.  Growing up it was tradition that we spent the holidays with grandparents basking in the joys of family coming in from out of town, catching up and just enjoying time… read more

Food Safety and Language

Food Safety | September 27, 2018

Travel is an incredibly enjoyable experience filled with new adventures, new growth opportunities, and new foods. No matter what country you travel to, there will be something different to experience that is wildly different from your hometown, and while this… read more

Restaurant Food Fraud: When It Says Organic, But the Product Says Otherwise

Food Policy,Food Safety | September 27, 2018

Organic foods have seen a rise in the past several years and have become a big business with homes across America using more and more organic foods in their daily lives. A whopping 82% of families consume $45 billion in… read more