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Food Safety

Wild Game Food Safety from a Wild Game Home Chef

Food Safety,Our Blog | November 26, 2018

Hunting season is upon us here in Virginia and with that comes the fact that there will be animals brought here to our home that have been harvested so that family and friends can process and start the preservation process… read more

Holiday Food Safety

Food Safety | November 22, 2018

Every time another food recall hits the news, it’s hard not to get frightened. Even if you never buy that brand, it’s a reminder of how easy it is for the food supply to be contaminated. We all have vague… read more

Risky Holiday Foods

Food Safety | November 20, 2018

Food replenishes the body.  It is how we live.  We also eat for pleasure, so it is often how we thrive as well.  As we approach this holiday season, indulgence is a vice we all struggle with.  It is the… read more

Capri Sun Mold Went Viral Again

Food Safety,Our Blog | November 20, 2018

A father in Tennessee stirred up a fuss on Facebook in September with a post about his child’s Capri Sun containing mold that went viral.  This is not the first time this post has made its rounds on social media…. read more

Fisherman Offers Advice on Avoiding Vibrio

Food Safety,Our Blog,Vibrio | November 19, 2018

What jobs would you associate with the phrase “flesh eating bacteria?”Mad scientist, maybe? Something in the medical field? Perhaps a manufacturer of prosthetics? How about a fisherman? Would you trust a fisherman’s advice on avoiding vibrio? A Wise Fisherman Once Told… read more

Thanksgiving Food Safety Tips

Food Safety,Our Blog | November 18, 2018

Preparing a thanksgiving meal is a huge task. It requires planning, skill, practice and most importantly, keeping in mind food safety. Every year we hear about people getting sick with food poisoning (outbreak or otherwise) after eating a Thanksgiving meal…. read more

Turkey Safety

Food Safety | November 18, 2018

Did you volunteer or were you voluntold that this is the year YOU are responsible for the Thanksgiving turkey?  Yes you!  You might be a pro or possibly shaking in your fuzzy house slippers at the thought of being responsible… read more

What Europe Thinks About Limicol

Food Policy,Food Safety | November 17, 2018

The European Commission is about to take a step that’s bigger than it might at first sound: according to a draft regulation released in early October, they’re thinking about approving for the first time a health claim about the combined… read more

California Home Chefs Can Now Sell Their Food Legally

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | November 16, 2018

People who bake as a hobby in California can soon start to sell their homemade goods legally. This is a huge deal for people like myself who enjoy baking so much but often find muffins and other baked goods coming… read more

Chicken: Food Poisoning’s Most Common Source

Food Safety | November 15, 2018

According to the National Chicken Council (yes, there is a National Chicken Council, they are the national trade association for chicken producers and processors), “Chicken is the leanest, most versatile and most affordable protein out there.” In fact, the CDC… read more