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Food Safety

Hold That Lemon! Lemon Food Safety is a Thing

E. coli,Food Safety | December 8, 2018

Lemons are really wonderful fruits. Not only are they capable of turning into lemonade, the well beloved, classic summer beverage, but they’re also a delicious source of vitamin C which is a necessary nutrient in strengthening your immune system. This… read more

Goat Meat – The Most Popular Protein in the World?

Food Safety,Our Blog,Raw Milk | December 7, 2018

What’s the most popular animal worldwide for eating? It isn’t the cows, whose flatulent methane output makes them the second major greenhouse-gas producing species in the world after humans. It isn’t pigs, who are smarter than you think and have… read more

December 6th is Microwave Oven Day!  Everything You Wanted to Know About That Helpful Device

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | December 6, 2018

December 6 marks Microwave Oven Day.  This life changing appliance has made life easier for college students, single people, over-worked parents, and kids wanting some independence.  This happy little appliance makes for convenient and quick reheating or even cooking. On… read more

Home Chef Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | December 6, 2018

Food has the wonderful power of being transformed with intuitive thinking. Even the blandest food and the most basic combinations can turn fruit, vegetables and other delights into a delicious masterpiece. Each meticulous food masterpiece is not without its risks…. read more

What To Do When Your Kid Eats Dirt & Other Nasty Things

Food Safety,Our Blog | December 5, 2018

Parents unite! We have all faced it. We are sitting around unsuspecting that anything is about to go wrong when all of a sudden your child does it; and by it I mean eats something absolutely disgusting. I mean so… read more

Zego Making Food Safer for Those with Food Allergies

Food Allergens,Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | December 2, 2018

It looks like the future is finally here. You’ve been reading about QR codes, advanced new testing methods, and the blockchain; ever wonder when you’re actually going to see these technologies deployed to make the food that you eat safer… read more

Holiday Party Food Safety: Share Food, Not Food Poisoning This Holiday Season

Food Safety | December 1, 2018

It is that time of year again.  Holiday potluck season!  Whether sharable dishes or catered feasts, you are bound to be invited to some kind of soiree where food is involved – if not front and center. From the first… read more

How Does Salmonella Beef Contamination Happen?

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | November 29, 2018

Month have passed since since the initial reports on Cargill Meat resulted in a recall of 132,000 pounds of deadly ground beef thoroughly contaminated with E. coli bacteria, but while we might have hoped to be safe from similar food… read more

Wild Game Food Safety from a Wild Game Home Chef

Food Safety,Our Blog | November 26, 2018

Hunting season is upon us here in Virginia and with that comes the fact that there will be animals brought here to our home that have been harvested so that family and friends can process and start the preservation process… read more

Holiday Food Safety

Food Safety | November 22, 2018

Every time another food recall hits the news, it’s hard not to get frightened. Even if you never buy that brand, it’s a reminder of how easy it is for the food supply to be contaminated. We all have vague… read more