Food Safety | January 3, 2019
We have all heard the old adage don’t eat the yellow snow… but what about the white kind? Growing up I heard all kinds of stories about people eating snow, making it into ice cream and doing all kinds of… read more
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Food Safety | January 3, 2019
We have all heard the old adage don’t eat the yellow snow… but what about the white kind? Growing up I heard all kinds of stories about people eating snow, making it into ice cream and doing all kinds of… read more
A Look Back at the Most Notable 2018 Food Poisoning Outbreaks
Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 1, 2019
An outbreak is defined as an event in which “two or more people get the same illness from the same contaminated food or drink.” This year the United States has seen plenty with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention… read more
Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Raw Milk | December 31, 2018
There has been a sharp increase in the number of Salmonella cases in San Diego county. Through mid-December, the county observed 730 verified Salmonella cases. Public Health officials are saying that cases related to this bacteria are at a 25-year… read more
What’s in Your Kitchen? A Week in Recalls: Gift Box Sets, Salad Bowls, and Sausage
Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | December 28, 2018 would like to help you keep your family safe from unsafe foods. Each week we bring together a list of the current recalls. Putting recalled lots, UPC codes, and contact information for recalled products in one convenient place helps… read more
PETA, Veggies Can Give You Ecoli, Too!
E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | December 22, 2018
A new study found that plastic bins used in security check at airports carries more filthy germs than even the airport toilets. PETA – an animal rights organization – used the opportunity to place ads at the airport luggage bins… read more
Mutagenesis is a GMO (Says European Court)
Food Policy,Food Safety | December 21, 2018
A decision from the European Court of Justice has decided that genetically distinct plants achieved through new plant breeding techniques like mutagensis qualify as genetically modified organisms. What is the idea behind Mutagenesis? The Court’s Decision The decision has implications… read more
Food Safety,Our Blog | December 18, 2018
As the holiday season gets in full swing and people are already patiently waiting for Santa to appear, there is a real buzz swirling around at the moment. It is hard to not be caught up as this is the… read more
Feeling Lucky at the Group Pot Luck? Think Potluck Food Safety.
Food Safety,Our Blog | December 14, 2018
Summer’s heat often brings the threat of foodborne illness from outdoor gatherings such as barbecues and pool parties. As temperatures begin to cool and the calendar flips to November, this time of year brings about the not-so-silent threat of pot… read more
Food Poisoning is an Ongoing Health Issue
Food Safety,Listeria,Our Blog | December 13, 2018
Food poisoning is a very serious and entirely relevant health problem today, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Foodborne illnesses directly result in well over 9.4 million illnesses every year in the United States alone, and most… read more
i3 & Ecoberries – Food Safety Tech
Food Safety,Our Blog | December 9, 2018
We live in an age of scientific wonders. That’s a statement so obvious that it’s very nearly banal, but it’s also true; all around us, scientific advancement is picking up the pace, churning out unheard-of new technologies and techniques at… read more