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Food Safety

California Vibrio Raw Oysters Outbreak

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Vibrio | May 7, 2019

On May 3, 2019, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) recommended that consumers avoid eating raw oysters harvested from Estero El Cardon in Baja California Sur, Mexico. We just found out why. It’s because they are linked to an… read more

Tyson Recalls Nearly 12 Million Pounds of Chicken – 3 Injured from Ingesting Metal

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | May 5, 2019

There’s a Tyson Chicken Recall. If you haven’t done so already, now is a good time to check your freezer for recalled product.  And I mean RIGHT now.  Tyson Foods, Inc recalled a whopping 12 million pounds of their frozen,… read more

FDA Finds Concerning Listeria & Salmonella at Ice Cream Facilities

Food Safety,Listeria,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | April 28, 2019

An FDA investigation of ice cream manufacturers following a series of foodborne illness outbreaks found listeria and salmonella in some facilities, according to a recent report from the agency. Some of the businesses were found to be in violation of… read more

Cryptosporidium Apple Juice

cryptosporidium,Food Safety | April 27, 2019

What is it with cryptosporidium and apple juice? The parasite seems to be the biggest fan of the fruit since Eve was wandering through the Garden of Eden. Again and again, headlines come up about people getting sick from crypto… read more

April is National Grilled Cheese Month

Food Safety | April 26, 2019

Everyone (except my kids) loves a grilled cheese sandwich. My boys are apparently the odd ones in the crowd when asked about eating grilled cheese the oldest says “I don’t like dirty cheese sandwiches” to which I answer that there… read more

Xibus and Janus Particles – A Food Safety Sensor

Food Safety | April 20, 2019

What are Janus particles? And how is Xibus, a startup out of MIT, hoping to use them to create handheld food safety sensors that can quickly and cheaply identify pathogens like salmonella? Xibus and Janus Particles could change the future…. read more

What’s Going on with El Pollo Loco in Modesto?

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | April 19, 2019

What to do when there seems to be a cluster of foodborne illnesses centered around a business, but you can’t be sure? Take the case of El Pollo Loco in Modesto, California. Genetic fingerprinting seemed to indicate that it was… read more

A Scientist Explains How Does Bacteria Get in Melons

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | April 17, 2019

It’s that time of year again.  As the temperatures begin to defrost and food sharing holidays come into full swing, we experience another cut melon outbreak – and subsequent recall.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with… read more

Passover Food Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | April 17, 2019

Happy Spring everyone! For most of us, this past winter has been particularly brutal, with record-setting cold temperatures, snow, and now flooding. We are collectively ready for spring, and eager to get together with family and friends for upcoming special… read more

Nursing Home Legionnaires

Food Safety,Legionella,Legionnaire's disease,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | April 15, 2019

Presence of legionella bacteria in a nursing care facility is a topic of concern. The bacteria causes Legionnaires disease, a severe form of pneumonia that causes lung inflammation. The fatality rate is high and stands at 10%. The disease is… read more