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Food Safety

PulseNet Proclaims Whole Genome Sequencing as New Gold Standard

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | September 7, 2019

A foodborne illness outbreak can be anywhere from 2 people falling ill from the same food source to hundreds or even thousands.  When an outbreak is identified, an investigation takes place to help prevent others from becoming sick for the… read more

C.Diff Threat to Elderly Hospital Patients

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | September 6, 2019

A kind of dangerous bacteria called Clostridioides difficile or C.Diff is posing a threat to very sick and elderly hospital patients. The bacteria are shown to survive on disposable hospital gowns and stainless-steel surfaces even after they have been scrubbed… read more

Food Safety Better at Fast Food or Full-Service Restaurants?

Food Safety | September 5, 2019

When you go out to eat, there is a level of trust you are putting in the hands of the people who are preparing your food.  There are regulations in place, health department inspections, and a cleanliness factor you expect… read more

Are Leftovers Safe to Eat?

Food Safety | September 5, 2019

Leftovers have become an imminent part of our daily lives. We aren’t always able to finish what we have cooked or ordered, so we save up what’s left. And then there are some who are leftover lovers. They look forward… read more

CBD Oil and Salmonella

Food Safety | September 3, 2019

As the controversy rages on over the legalization of marijuana, new issues arise. Not with the law itself, but with the already shaky ground of safety. New products pop onto the scene and while everyone believes this is progress, it… read more

Energy Drink Safety

Food Safety,Our Blog | September 2, 2019

As a writer, there is a stigma surrounding drinking large amounts of coffee to fuel the creative juices. While this isn’t quite the case, I do enjoy a cup now and again. There is, however, something more dangerous to drink… read more

4 Basic Food Safety Principles

Food Safety | August 29, 2019

We talk a lot about food safety principles. I see it linked a lot but how many of us actually go the extra step to read and consider these principles? I’m a firm believer if we all were to not… read more

School Lunch Food Safety

Food Safety | August 28, 2019

School is back in session! Even though it has been a while since my kids were in school, I still remember hearing stories about the lunchroom. It will be quite a few years until my little girl will be battling… read more

Yucatan Taco Closed Amid Bad Health Inspection

Food Safety,Our Blog | August 15, 2019

The Yucatan Taco restaurant on West Magnolia Avenue was temporarily closed after a routine health inspection. The 11-year old restaurant was shut down after several violations including inadequate refrigeration were found. The restaurant will remain closed until refrigeration repairs are… read more

Masonic Snow Lodge Outbreak

Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | July 21, 2019

Attendees at a charity barbecue this last Friday went home with more than just leftovers. Some went home with a nasty case of food poisoning. According to a county public health alert, attendees of the Masonic Snow Lodge fundraiser Barbecue… read more