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Food Safety

I Prefer My Water with the Plastic on the Outside, Not the Inside: Study Shows Most Bottled Water Contains Harmful Microplastics

Food Safety,Our Blog | March 5, 2024

Microplastics in bottled water? You heard that right. I, like most people, prefer my water with the plastic on the outside of the container – not inside it. However, studies show that about 93% of commercially available bottled water contains… read more

New Salmonella Detection Tool Could Change Food Manufacturer’s Safety Protocol. For the Better!

Food Safety,Our Blog | March 5, 2024

Salmonella is a commonly observed foodborne bacteria linked to 1.35 million illnesses each year, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This results in 26,200 hospitalizations and accounts for 420 deaths. In recent years, the US Food… read more

Foodborne Illness Affects 1 in 6 Americans Each Year! Here’s What You Need to Know.

Food Safety,Our Blog | February 27, 2024

While the food supply in the United States is one of the “safest in the word,” foodborne illness is still a significant concern in this first world country. People rely more and more on commercially prepared, restaurant acquired, or packaged… read more

Hepatitis A Exposure at University of North Dakota, Officials Urge Vaccination

Food Safety,Hep A | February 23, 2024

Grand Forks North Dakota Public Health officials urge vaccination following possible Hepatitis A exposure at University of North Dakota. Reports indicate more than 50 people have been vaccinated so far. According to Grand Forks Public Health, the exposure event took… read more

Käserei Gloggnitz CEO Faces Criminal Charges for Listeria Outbreak, Sentenced to 13 Months in Prison

Food Safety,Our Blog | February 22, 2024

The CEO of Käserei Gloggnitz recently faced criminal charges for a Listeria outbreak linked to the firm’s dairy products and has been sentenced to 13 months in prison. This isn’t something you see often. In most cases, the company is… read more

Panera Charged Lemonade Lawsuit Cites Permanent Cardiac Injury

Food Safety | February 2, 2024

A third legal complaint has been filed against Panera Bread in response to the health effects of their Charged Lemonades. However, this case is a bit different from the previous two. The current suit involves a young, previously healthy individual… read more

Ways Restaurants Respond to Food Poisoning Claims

Food Safety | December 1, 2023

Food poisoning claims can be a restaurant’s worst nightmare and an owner’s greatest challenge. The repercussions of such claims extend beyond financial losses, impacting a restaurant’s reputation and customer trust. To maintain credibility and address these concerns, restaurants employ various… read more

Foodborne Illnesses at Daycare: What to Do If Your Child Becomes Sick

Food Safety | October 2, 2023

Foodborne illnesses are a concerning issue that can affect individuals of any age, but when it strikes children at daycare, it raises a unique set of concerns for parents. Here are the steps to take if your child falls ill… read more

Kumo Sushi & Steakhouse Food Poisoning

Bacillus,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | September 10, 2023

After eating at Kumo Sushi & Steakhouse on Saturday, a dozen people were rushed to the Emergency Room with food poisoning.  At least 28 people were sickened in the Kumo Sushi & Steakhouse Food Poisoning Outbreak. The Kumo Sushi &… read more

Tik Tok Avocado Hack NOT a Good Idea

Food Safety | August 19, 2023

Everyone’s heard this TikTok intro.  “Show me the life hack…” It is usually followed by some interesting technique someone has found to make their life easier.  Sometimes it is simple.  Sometimes it is thought provoking.  Sometimes it is just plain… read more