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Food Policy

Automatic Kitchen Opens in Beijing

Food Policy,Food Safety | January 6, 2019

In late October of 2018, robots took over the cooking in Beijing making automatic kitchen become a reality. I know what you are thinking; more than likely the same thing as me– Cue The Jetsons theme song. But hear this… read more

Mutagenesis is a GMO (Says European Court)

Food Policy,Food Safety | December 21, 2018

A decision from the European Court of Justice has decided that genetically distinct plants achieved through new plant breeding techniques like mutagensis qualify as genetically modified organisms. What is the idea behind Mutagenesis? The Court’s Decision The decision has implications… read more

December 6th is Microwave Oven Day!  Everything You Wanted to Know About That Helpful Device

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | December 6, 2018

December 6 marks Microwave Oven Day.  This life changing appliance has made life easier for college students, single people, over-worked parents, and kids wanting some independence.  This happy little appliance makes for convenient and quick reheating or even cooking. On… read more

Zego Making Food Safer for Those with Food Allergies

Food Allergens,Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | December 2, 2018

It looks like the future is finally here. You’ve been reading about QR codes, advanced new testing methods, and the blockchain; ever wonder when you’re actually going to see these technologies deployed to make the food that you eat safer… read more

What Europe Thinks About Limicol

Food Policy,Food Safety | November 17, 2018

The European Commission is about to take a step that’s bigger than it might at first sound: according to a draft regulation released in early October, they’re thinking about approving for the first time a health claim about the combined… read more

California Home Chefs Can Now Sell Their Food Legally

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | November 16, 2018

People who bake as a hobby in California can soon start to sell their homemade goods legally. This is a huge deal for people like myself who enjoy baking so much but often find muffins and other baked goods coming… read more

CBD for Pets

Food Policy,Food Safety | November 9, 2018

Cannabis for your pooch?  CBD for Pets? Many sources tout the human health benefits of CBD oil – the beneficial, non-THC containing component of Cannabis.  Now there seems to be a similar health benefit to our four-legged friends.  Like medical… read more

Carrefour Adopts Blockchain

Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog | November 3, 2018

The blockchain is continuing to make progress in the world of food. People are eager for tools that will allow for better traceability and transparency along the supply chain. People have heard about bitcoin, and they’ve heard the words “blockchain”… read more

California and Cage-Free Chickens

Food Policy,Food Safety | November 1, 2018

What came first: the chicken or the cage? Obviously, the chicken came first. But caging animals is a long-standing practice in the poultry industry to maximize available space for husbandry in the name of profit. Keeping chickens in a cage is… read more

Going Clean? McDonalds New Menu

Food Policy,Food Safety | October 29, 2018

Ask anyone in my family or circle of friends about my disdain for fast food. Not that I don’t indulge in the occasional burger and fries while traveling or in a hurry; but, as a general rule I stay away… read more