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E. coli

Romaine Outbreak Over, Water to Blame

E. coli,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 29, 2018

It’s time for a collective sigh. Today, the CDC and FDA issued statements announcing the E. coli O157:H7 outbreak appears to be over. This is great news for many and just the beginning for others. I am happy to report,… read more

E. coli in North Carolina

E. coli,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 29, 2018

A suspected E. coli outbreak in Taylorsville, North Carolina has sickened some 100 people, according to local health authorities. They believe that the outbreak is centered around a Mexican restaurant called Mexico Viejo. Most of the victims reported feeling ill… read more

Confusing Laws Around Raw Milk

E. coli,Food Safety,Raw Milk | June 28, 2018

An E. coli outbreak, believed to be tied to raw milk, has sickened 12 children in Knox County, Tennessee. Of those twelve, four went into kidney failure as result of infection and had to be treated in an intensive care… read more

Oh, We Are Halfway There – A Mid-Year Recapping of Salmonella and E. coli Outbreaks

Campylobacter,E. coli,Listeria,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella | June 23, 2018

Food in all its unique manifestations is meant to be enjoyed, whether it is a delectable dish such as Coq Au Vin with all its complex flavors all the way to the humble peanut butter and jelly sandwich. However, when… read more

The Scoop on Poop: Why Your Fecal Matter Matters

Campylobacter,Cyclospora,E. coli,Listeria,Norovirus,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella,Shigella,Staphyloccocous,Vibrio | June 23, 2018

When a tummy ache becomes serious enough that your over-the-counter treatments and home remedies are just not doing the trick, it might be time to see a doctor.  If you find yourself in a doctor’s office or emergency room as… read more

Why Identifying What Caused Your Food Poisoning is Important

Campylobacter,Cyclospora,E. coli,Food Safety,Listeria,Norovirus,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella,Staphyloccocous,Vibrio | June 23, 2018

The CDC estimates each year about 48 million Americans get sick from foodborne illnesses, and of those cases, 38 million causes of those foodborne illnesses are unknown or unspecified.  They also report that 3,000 people die each year from food… read more

Multi-state Romaine Lettuce Outbreak Shows Gaps in Traceability

E. coli,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 20, 2018

An outbreak impacts lives of many people. Especially when the culprit behind it is something that is considered quite ‘healthy’ and looms around in our daily meals. Yes, we are talking about romaine lettuce – which is found in most… read more

Is Romaine Safe to Eat Again?

E. coli,Food Safety,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 7, 2018

The CDC has given its thumbs up to return to eating whole, chopped, and pre-washed bags of romaine lettuce from retailers and restaurants. This move comes after an E. coli O157:H7 Romaine Lettuce outbreak led FDA and CDC urging the consumers… read more

Can You Tell if Someone Has Food Poisoning Just By Looking at Their Face?

Botulism,E. coli,Hep A,Listeria,Norovirus,Salmonella | June 4, 2018

Some of you may have heard of the myth that a person can tell if someone has food poisoning just by looking at their face. You may have heard them comment that this person “looks green” – alluding to cartoon… read more

Fingers Crossed – Maybe Romaine is Safe Again?

E. coli,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 3, 2018

Romaine lettuce – it’s super low in calories and carbs but boasts high numbers for important stuff like minerals (specifically calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium) and vitamins C and K. It’s also chock full of folate and is low in… read more