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E. coli

Yuma Romaine Lettuce Outbreak – It’s the Water

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 10, 2019

The water that’s irrigating our plants is making us sick. At least when it comes to the Yuma Romaine Lettuce outbreak. That’s the upshot of an excellent new investigation from Wired that looks into the spate of food poisoning that… read more

Beef Recall; It’s Not For Dinner (Again)

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 8, 2019

JBS USA is the Nation’s largest beef processor and the recalls are flying out yet again. This time nearly 50 tons of ground beef have been pulled from shelves due to Ecoli. CBS News reported the following: Swift Beef Co…. read more

Adam Bros. Red Lettuce Recall

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 5, 2019

A Santa Maria, California farm that has been linked to the romaine lettuce warning from the CDC on the eve of Thanksgiving has issued a voluntary recall for several other produce items. Red lettuce, green lettuce, and cauliflower items produced… read more

Adams Bros. – The Alleged Culprit Behind the Latest Romaine Scare

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 4, 2019

Adam Bros., a farm in Santa Maria, California, has been identified as a potential culprit behind the romaine lettuce scare that preceded this past Thanksgiving. The CDC and FDA issued sweeping statements warning people against eating romaine after registering an… read more

PETA, Veggies Can Give You Ecoli, Too!

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | December 22, 2018

A new study found that plastic bins used in security check at airports carries more filthy germs than even the airport toilets. PETA – an animal rights organization – used the opportunity to place ads at the airport luggage bins… read more

Source in Romaine Lettuce E coli Outbreak FOUND!

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | December 17, 2018

CDC and FDA have identified a farm in Santa Barbara County of California that has the same strain of e coli in its reservoir as identified in the latest romaine lettuce e coli outbreak. But more is still to come…. read more

ESBL Ecoli

E. coli | December 12, 2018

Food safety literature is currently dominated by the spread of foodborne illnesses at all stages of the food system. These recent phenomenons have highlighted the importance of successfully coordinating food safety in food preparation to avoid delicious meals turning into… read more

Hold That Lemon! Lemon Food Safety is a Thing

E. coli,Food Safety | December 8, 2018

Lemons are really wonderful fruits. Not only are they capable of turning into lemonade, the well beloved, classic summer beverage, but they’re also a delicious source of vitamin C which is a necessary nutrient in strengthening your immune system. This… read more

The Lange Law Firm Files First Romaine Lettuce E coli Lawsuit in Romaine Lettuce E coli Outbreak

E. coli,Outbreaks & Recalls | November 30, 2018

As details begin to unfold as to the exact source of the romaine lettuce outbreak and the FDA calls for labeling of romaine lettuce, the first lawsuit related to this outbreak has been filed. On November 26, 2018, The Lange… read more

Poking Fun at the Lettuce Outbreak – Why I Am OK With It

E. coli,Outbreaks & Recalls | November 25, 2018

For those of us who checked our social media accounts this week, it was highly likely that you saw one (or more) of the many memes trolling about the internet jesting about the latest romaine lettuce outbreak. Some of my… read more