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E. coli

The Mystery Ecoli O103 Outbreak Continues

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | April 7, 2019

Last week we brought you news of an Ecoli outbreak in Kentucky. At the time, about 20 people were diagnosed and being treated. Local health authorities were trying to get to the bottom of the source in order to combat… read more

Ecoli Outbreak in Kentucky – Exact Source Still a Mystery

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 31, 2019

Another Ecoli outbreak has hit the news. This time in central Kentucky. And while reports are just coming in, the fingers are starting to point to fast food establishments. While no names have been mentioned, Health Department officials are starting… read more

Ecoli O103 Outbreak in Kentucky Kids Linked to Fast Food

E. coli,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | March 28, 2019

Today, the Mercer County Health Department announced that there is an Ecoli O103 outbreak linked to “extensive fast food exposure.” At this time, the health agency has not yet announced what fast food restaurants those who were ill ate at…. read more

Big Beef Wants to Stop Cell-cultured Meat

E. coli,Food Policy,Food Safety,Our Blog,Science | March 10, 2019

The National Cattleman’s Beef Association has released their list of priorities for 2019. According to a press release, they’re focusing on their efforts on a top priority that may be familiar to regular readers of this blog: stopping cell cultured… read more

Agricultural Practices Defend Against Ecoli with 8 Simple Principles

E. coli,Food Policy,Food Safety | March 2, 2019

There have been plenty of examples of mass produce recalls in the past few years.  There have been some historic record-breaking outbreaks and trends.  Eggs, beef, romaine, romaine, romaine…  You get the jist of it. But how do we prevent… read more

No Planes, Trains, or Automobiles.  8 Worst Food Poisoning Bacteria and How they Get Around

Campylobacter,E. coli,Food Safety,Listeria,Our Blog | February 22, 2019

The 8 worst food poisoning bacteria. Smaller than the eye can see, those microscopic microbes move around and reproduce to numbers that can make us sick.  Vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, or worse.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates around… read more

Water Virus Used to Find Ecoli

E. coli,Our Blog,Water | February 14, 2019

We’re all very familiar with water filters. Practically everyone has one built into their water system, refrigerator, or water dispenser, since keeping our drinking water clean is such a high priority. Many different kinds of dangerous and illness-causing bacteria are… read more

The Romaine Scare if Over – For Now

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | February 11, 2019

It is difficult to bring great news to you due to things having the ability to turn in moments but for now: the Romaine E. Coli scare is over. This is good news not only to us as consumers, but… read more

Yes, Raw Flour Can Make You Sick

E. coli,Our Blog | February 10, 2019

You probably already know the foods that are likely to give you food poisoning. Some things are just riskier to eat than others. The big offenders are pretty easy to name – leafy greens, sprouts, and undercooked eggs all spring… read more

Lettuce Industry Wants Answers, Calls for FDA to Get Back to Work

E. coli,Food Safety,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | January 18, 2019

The lettuce industry, still licking its wounds from the effects of a series of high-profile outbreaks linked to their products, did not take the recent shutdown of the federal government lightly. The lettuce industry is eager for the FDA to… read more