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Check Your Pantry! HEB, Trader Joe’s, Van Camp®, and Genova® Canned Tuna Recall Due to Botulism Risk

Botulism,Outbreaks & Recalls | February 12, 2025

Check your pantry for a canned tuna recall affecting several major brands. A major tuna manufacturer initiated a recall that affects several private labels. Do you have canned tuna in your pantry? Now is the time to check those labels,… read more

Huge Canned Coffee Recall Stirs Up Concern for Botulism

Botulism,Our Blog,Outbreaks & Recalls | June 30, 2024

Snapchill LLC of Green Bay, Wisconsin just initiated a huge canned coffee recall for all canned coffee products manufactured by the company. Why? Because “their current process could lead to growth and production of the deadly toxin, botulinum toxin, in… read more

Young Brazilian Woman Diagnosed with Botulism During Work Exchange Program

Botulism,Our Blog | May 7, 2024

Young Brazilian woman diagnosed with botulism during work exchange program is hospitalized. Family is attempting to move her home for further treatment. A young Brazilian woman participating in a work exchange program in Colorado becomes paralyzed and fighting for her… read more

Incubation Period for Botulism

Botulism | February 12, 2024

The incubation period for botulism can vary depending on the type of toxin, but for foodborne botulism it is usually between 12 to 36 hours before symptoms appear. Incubation Period Overview Understanding the incubation period for botulism is crucial for… read more

Whale-Eating May Lead to Botulism

Botulism,Food Safety | March 9, 2019

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services are investigating a botulism death and four other illnesses following a New Year’s dinner in Nome where some traditional Alaskan dishes were served. Investigation has linked the botulinum toxin to fermented Beluga… read more

The Risks of Honey

Botulism,Food Safety | October 17, 2018

People like to eat sweet things. There’s no shame in that. We sweeten our tea, we sweeten our cakes, we sweeten our cereals and peanut butter sandwiches. With scary information constantly streaming out about the dangers that sugar presents to… read more

Botulism is Freaking Scary

Botulism | September 16, 2018

Clostridium Botulinum is a deadly pathogen that produces the highly potent botulinum toxin, which causes botulism when ingested. Botulism is a rare and fatal neuroparalytic disease. It is one of the deadliest toxins and less than 1 ng/kg can be… read more

How are Food Poisoning Outbreaks Investigated?

Bacillus,Botulism,Campylobacter,Cyclospora,E. coli,Hep A,Legionella,Listeria,Norovirus,Outbreaks & Recalls,Salmonella,Shigella,Staphyloccocous,Vibrio,Yersinia | August 16, 2018

Public health and regulatory officials respond to foodborne disease outbreaks much the same way that police officers respond to crime. They must work swiftly, collecting as much helpful information in the smallest amount of time possible in order to take… read more

Keeping Botulism at Bay While Home Canning

Botulism | August 6, 2018

Growing up with a garden and being surrounded by tons of places where at the end of driveways there were signs that said “pick your own,” we always had massive amounts of fresh produce in the summer months. Obviously, you… read more

Can You Tell if Someone Has Food Poisoning Just By Looking at Their Face?

Botulism,E. coli,Hep A,Listeria,Norovirus,Salmonella | June 4, 2018

Some of you may have heard of the myth that a person can tell if someone has food poisoning just by looking at their face. You may have heard them comment that this person “looks green” – alluding to cartoon… read more