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(833) 330-3663

Aurora E. Coli Attorney

E. coli, or Escherichia coli, is a bacterial species that resides in the intestines of humans and animals. Most strains are harmless and important for maintaining a healthy gut, but some can be pathogenic and result in serious health conditions.

How is E. coli Transmitted?

  • Contaminated Food: Consuming undercooked or raw meat, especially ground beef; unpasteurized milk and juice; and contaminated raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Contaminated Water: Drinking or swimming in water contaminated with E. coli, such as lakes, pools, or even inadequately treated drinking water.
  • Person-to-Person Contact: Close contact with an infected person, particularly if proper hygiene practices, like handwashing, are not followed.
  • Contact with Animals: Petting zoo animals or handling animals, especially farm animals, without proper hand hygiene.

How Can Someone Prevent E. coli Infections?

  • Practice Good Hand Hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food, after using the restroom, and after contact with animals or their environments.
  • Cook Meat Thoroughly: Ensure that all meat, particularly ground beef, is cooked to a safe internal temperature (at least 160°F or 71°C).
  • Avoid Raw Milk and Unpasteurized Products: Drink only pasteurized milk, juice, and cider.
  • Wash Fruits and Vegetables: Rinse fresh produce under running water before eating or preparing it.
  • Avoid Cross-Contamination: Use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw meat and other foods. Clean surfaces thoroughly after preparing raw meat.
  • Stay Informed About Recalls: Pay attention to food recalls due to E. coli contamination and avoid consuming those products.
  • Drink Safe Water: Ensure drinking water is from a safe source. Avoid swallowing water when swimming in pools, lakes, or other bodies of water.

Following these guidelines can significantly reduce the risk of E. coli infection and help maintain overall health and safety.

What Damages Might Be Available for Someone with E. coli?

In a lawsuit involving an E. coli infection, several types of damages might be awarded to compensate the victim for their losses. These include:

Compensatory Damages

  • Economic Damages:
    • Medical Expenses: Covers all medical costs related to the infection, including hospital stays, doctor visits, medications, and any long-term treatment or rehabilitation needed.
    • Lost Wages: Compensation for income lost due to the inability to work during the illness and recovery period. This can also include future lost earning potential if the infection leads to long-term health issues.
    • Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Any additional costs incurred due to the infection, such as travel expenses for medical treatment, home care, or special accommodations.
  • Non-Economic Damages:
    • Pain and Suffering: Compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress endured due to the infection.
    • Loss of Enjoyment of Life: If the infection significantly impacts the victim’s ability to enjoy life and engage in normal activities.
    • Emotional Distress: Compensation for psychological impact, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma resulting from the illness.

Punitive Damages

These may be awarded if the responsible party’s actions were particularly reckless or malicious. Punitive damages are intended to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future.

Special Damages

Tailored to the unique circumstances of the case, such as costs for long-term care if the infection leads to chronic health problems or modifications to the home if the victim is left with disabilities.

Wrongful Death Damages

If the E. coli infection results in death, the family members might be entitled to wrongful death damages, which can include funeral expenses, loss of financial support, and compensation for the emotional impact of losing a loved one.

Aurora E. coli Statistics

Aurora is located in three counties in Colorado: Arapahoe, Adams, and Douglas counties. E. coli cases in Colorado increased yearly between 2020 and 2022; Adams County and Douglas County followed this state trend; however, Arapahoe County had a spike in cases in 2021.

2020 2021 2022
Colorado State 294 499 558
Arapahoe 22 69 51
Adams 19 24 49
Douglas 12 15 25

In recent years, Colorado has been impacted by some multistate E. coli outbreaks, including:

Need Assistance with Your E. coli Case?

Have you or a loved one suffered from an E. coli infection? You don’t have to handle this tough time alone. The Lange Law Firm is here to assist individuals like you with E. coli cases. Our dedicated team will thoroughly investigate your case and work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve.

Reach out to us today at (833) 330-3663 or email us for a free consultation. Let us provide the legal support and expertise you need to move ahead. Don’t wait – contact us now to take the first step toward justice and recovery.