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(833) 330-3663

Austin Legionnaires’ Attorney

Legionella bacteria thrive in water systems and warm climates, making cities like Austin susceptible to outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease. When an outbreak does occur, those affected may have the right to pursue legal claims.

What is Legionnaires’ Disease?

Legionnaires’ disease is a form of severe pneumonia caused by inhaling very small droplets of water or mist contaminated with Legionella bacteria. These bacteria thrive in poorly maintained water systems, including cooling towers, hot tubs, plumbing systems, and decorative fountains. Common symptoms of the disease include fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, and headaches. Older adults, smokers, and those with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable.

Who Can File a Legionnaires’ Disease Claim?

If you contract Legionnaires’ disease due to exposure to contaminated water in Austin, you may be entitled to compensation through a legal claim. The success of such a claim hinges on proving negligence or a breach of duty by the party responsible for maintaining the water system. To succeed in a legionnaires lawsuit, the following elements typically need to be established:

Duty of Care

The defendant (at-fault party) had a responsibility to maintain a safe environment, including ensuring that water systems were properly maintained to prevent the growth of Legionella bacteria.

Breach of Duty

The defendant failed to fulfill this duty, such as by neglecting regular maintenance, inspections, or treatment of water systems.


The breach of duty directly caused the plaintiff (victim) to contract Legionnaires’ disease. This often requires showing that the outbreak was linked to the defendant’s facility through environmental testing and epidemiological evidence.


The plaintiff suffered harm as a result of contracting the disease, which could include medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, or, in severe cases, death.

Who Can Be Held Liable?

In Austin, various parties could be held liable for a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak, such as:

Property Owners and Managers

Owners and operators of buildings, including hotels, hospitals, and apartment complexes, can be held responsible if they fail to maintain water systems properly.

Maintenance Contractors

Companies responsible for servicing water systems, such as HVAC contractors or water treatment providers, can be liable if their negligence leads to a Legionella outbreak.


If an outbreak occurs in a workplace, the employer may be liable for failing to provide a safe working environment, especially if the employer was aware of the risk and did nothing to mitigate it.


If a defective product, such as a water system component, contributed to the outbreak, the manufacturer could be held liable under product liability laws.

How an Attorney Can Help

Proving a Legionnaires’ disease case is complex due to the need to establish a direct link between the outbreak and the defendant’s property or actions. This often involves detailed epidemiological investigations, environmental testing, and expert testimony to trace the source of the Legionella bacteria. Additionally, it requires demonstrating that the responsible party failed to properly maintain water systems, which allowed the bacteria to proliferate.

Gathering this evidence and proving causation can be challenging, especially when multiple potential sources of contamination are involved, making the legal process intricate and demanding. A Legionnaires’ disease attorney can help you navigate the claims process and has the resources to gather the critical evidence needed to prove your case. Their experience in similar cases allows them to anticipate challenges and strategically address them, maximizing your chances of a successful outcome.

Contact Us Today

Legionnaires’ disease can have devastating consequences. By taking swift action and working with an experienced Austin Legionnaires’ disease attorney, victims can seek the compensation they deserve. Contact The Lange Law Firm today to arrange a free consultation by calling (833) 330-3663 or messaging us online.

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