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Gino’s Pizzeria may be linked to the Hepatitis Outbreak in West Norriton, Pennsylvania. 1 person died. 6 people were hospitalized. At least 9 people contracted Hepatitis A in this Gino’s Pizzeria Hepatitis Outbreak, according to the Montgomery County Office of Public Health.
Health officials said 11 total cases are under investigation, with nine confirmed cases of Hepatitis A and two potential cases. Of the nine confirmed cases, seven people were hospitalized. To date, one death is confirmed and one additional death is under investigation.
The Hepatitis exposure may have occurred in late November.
Gino’s Pizzeria Closed Until Further Notice
The front window of Gino’s now has a yellow sign that states the establishment is closed by the Montgomery County Department of Health. Gino’s Ristorante & Pizzeria in West Norriton will be closed until further notice while the investigation continues, officials said.
So, what is hepatitis A and how can you tell if you have it? How do you get it? What can you do to not?
What is Hepatitis?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, hepatitis means “inflammation of the liver.” Hepatitis A is an extremely contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. (There are two other types of hepatitis virus, you know them as the vibrantly named hepatitis B and hepatitis C. They are actually three distinct viruses, which are transferred differently, and affect the liver differently. There are vaccines available for hepatitis A and B, but not C.) Hepatitis A is a short-term infection that doesn’t become chronic. Hepatitis A can be mild, and last only a few weeks, but it can also be severe and last several months. Most of the time, there is no lasting liver damage from hepatitis A. It’s rare, but people can die from hepatitis. Typically, the people most at risk from severe complication are those older than 50 and those who have other liver diseases.
What are the symptoms?
There aren’t always symptoms. Children under age 6 do not have symptoms. In adults and children over the age of 6 symptoms may include:
Most older children and adults who contract hepatitis A will display jaundice. Typically, if there are symptoms, they will show right around 4 weeks from exposure. Symptoms can show as early as 2 weeks after exposure, and as late as 7 weeks after exposure. Normally symptoms will last less than 2 months but can last as long as 6 months. A person doesn’t have to have symptoms to be contagious, and can share the virus up to 2 weeks before the virus shows symptoms in them.
If you suspect that you may have or may have been exposed to hepatitis A, a doctor can diagnose you by asking questions an taking a blood sample. The treatment usually involves good nutrition and adequate fluids. Some people will need additional medical care. It can take months for people to feel well again.
How can protect yourself and your family?
As mentioned, there is a vaccine for hepatitis A, and simply practicing good hand hygiene can prevent the spread of hepatitis. Make sure that you thoroughly wash your hands after using the bathroom, changing a diaper, and before preparing or eating food.
The CDC recommends that at-risk people get the hepatitis A vaccine.
The vaccination process is somewhat involved, requiring 2 shots given 6 months apart, and both shots are necessary if you want long term protection. There is a dual A&B vaccine which is 3 shots given over 6 months. The vaccine has shown as highly effective in preventing hepatitis A virus infection. A short term protection option is something called immune globulin (IG) which is an injection of human blood plasma that contains antibodies which can protect against the infection. Sometimes IG is used before traveling to a country where hepatitis A is common, or after exposure to the virus to prevent infection. It must be given within 2 weeks of exposure to be effective.
How does it spread?
Usually, people contract hepatitis A by ingesting it from objects, food, or drinks contaminated by small, undetected amounts of stool from an infected person.
From stool.
People can also contract the virus from being in close physical contact with an infected person, either romantically or as a caregiver. Hepatitis A is common in countries with poor sanitary conditions or poor personal hygiene.
In the United States, public water supplies are treated to kill harmful microbes like hepatitis A should it enter the water supply and the FDA monitors natural bodies of water which are used for recreation.
Our mission is to help families who have been harmed by contaminated food or water. When corporations cause food poisoning outbreaks, we use the law to hold them accountable. The Lange Law Firm is the only law firm in the nation solely focused on helping families in food poisoning lawsuits and contaminated water lawsuits.
If you got food poisoning and are interested in making a legal claim for compensation in this Hepatitis A Outbreak, we can help. Our Hep A lawyer can help you pursue compensation for your food poisoning. Call us for a free no obligation legal consultation at (833) 330-3663 or send us an e-mail here.