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Legionnaires’ Disease at Evanston YMCA Sickens at Least Two, Possibly More

Posted in Legionnaire's disease,Outbreaks & Recalls on October 16, 2024

The Evanston Health and Human Services Department is currently investigating two cases of Legionnaires’ disease at Evanston YMCA but more cases are likely.

The serious pnuemonial illness was linked to the facility’s hot water supply.

Evanston YMCA remains closed during mitigation efforts.

Here’s what we know about Legionnaires’ disease at Evanston YMCA and what it could mean for participants who have recently visited the facility.

Two Cases of Legionnaires’ Disease at Evanston YMCA

So far there have been two cases of Legionnaires’ disease in the Evanston/North Shore area with a common link, says city health officials.

The Evanston YMCA.

In a recent new release on October 11, 2024, the department announced:

“The Evanston Health and Human Services Department has identified two persons associated with YMCA who have recently been diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease. As a result of the association, testing water samples from the facility was recommended and completed.”

Evanston/North Shore YMCA

1215 Church Ave

Evanston, Illinois 60201

Preliminary Water Testing Revealed the Presence of Legionella Bacteria

In response to the cluster of confirmed Legionnaires’ disease illnesses, preliminary water sampling and testing was performed.

Laboratory analysis revealed that some of the water systems at the YMCA contained the harmful pathogen.

Legionella Bacteria Found in Hot Water Supply Related to Legionnaires’ Disease at Evanston YMCA

In a letter to the YMCA Community, the organization explains that “genetic material from Legionella bacteria, which can cause Legionnaires’ disease, was detected in the hot water supply.”

As a result, the YMCA Evanston/North Shore facility temporarily closed on October 10, 2024 while control measures and mitigation efforts could be implemented.

Emergency Water Shut Off with No Expected Time for Resuming Activities

Since Thursday, October 10, 2024, the water to the facility was shut off. There is currently no specific time that the activities involving those water systems will resume.

Meanwhile, water bottles are made available throughout the building for drinking and handwashing and hand sanitizers and wipes are provided during the water shut off.

The pool and all Aquatics programs and activities are temporarily paused until it is safe to reopen.

What Is the Organization Doing to Prevent Legionnaires’ Disease at Evanston YMCA Future Cases?

According to the Evanston YMCA facility website, the organization is performing several activities to help prevent future cases of Legionnaires’ disease at Evanston YMCA before resuming normal activities.

These activities include:

  • Installing new filters at all facility faucets and showers: These showers now have 0.2 micron filters with a 99.99999% bacteria kill rate.
  • Increased temperature in hot water storage tank. The facility has temporarily increased the temperature in the hot water storage tank. The normally acceptable 140° F increased to 150° F to “ensure bacteria are effectively killed.” The hot water system has since been returned to the normal 140° F. Under normal operations is hot enough to inhibit Legionella bacterial growth.
  • Chorine levels increased: No Legionella bacteria was found in the pool. However, as a precautionary measure the levels of chlorine in the facility’s two pools were increased. The typical 2 parts per million (ppm) chlorine level was increased to 3.5 ppm. This was done to “enhance water purifications.” The facility says that this increased level will be maintained for the next three months.
  • Additional Consultation in Progress: Additional consultation with a water treatment consultant is underway. A customized water treatment solution and plan for preventative maintenance management is being developed for implementation.

In the interim, YMCA Evanston is awaiting approval for reopening the facility. This approval comes from the Illinois Department of Public Health.

No date is available at this time.

Evanston Health and Human Services Department Urges Symptomatic People to Sek Medical Attention “Right Away”

Legionnaires’ disease is serious! A significant 1 in 10 people with Legionnaires’ disease will die from complications. This statistic increases to 1 in 4 if the illness is obtained in a health care setting.

Not everyone who is exposed will become sick. Many people’s immune system fights the infection before it takes hold. Some groups of people, however, are more susceptible to Legionella bacterial infections and more likely to experience serious illness.

Those at higher risk individuals include:

  • People 50 with cancer
  • People 50 years or older
  • Current or former smokers
  • People with underlying illnesses such as diabetes, kidney failure, or liver failure
  • People with chronic lung disease like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or emphysema
  • People with weak immune systems or who take drugs that weaken the immune system (such as after a transplant or chemotherapy)

Early diagnosis is key to successful recovery. As a result, the Evanston Health and Human Services Department is urging those potentially exposed and symptomatic to get medical attention “right away.”

“If a person develops symptoms of pneumonia within two weeks of visiting the YMCA at 1215 Church Ave in Evanston, they should seek medical attention right away. A medical provider can evaluate you for pneumonia. If you are diagnosed with pneumonia, it is recommended that you be tested for Legionella because of the potential exposure at the YMCA.”

Symptoms to Lookout for If You Were Exposed to Legionnaires’ Disease at Evanston YMCA

Participants and members visited the Evanston YMCA within the last two weeks should be on the lookout for Legionnaires’ disease symptoms.

Common symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease include:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle aches
  • Headaches

In some cases, people with Legionnaires’ disease may also experience diarrhea, nausea, and/or confusion.

According to the Health Department, those who are asymptomatic do not need to be tested. However, they should monitor their symptoms for at least 14 following their last time at this YMCA location.

If You Have Been Diagnosed with Pneumonia and Recently Visited the Evanston YMCA, You May Have Legionnaires’ Disease

If you have visited the Evanston YMCA and have been recently diagnosed with pnuemonial illness, you may have contracted Legionnaires’ disease.

You may have questions. An experienced Legionnaires’ disease lawyer can help you through this difficult process.

The Lange Law Firm Can Help!

If you have been diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease or pneumonial illness and wish to make a legal claim, The Lange Law Firm, PLLC can help!

Call (833) 330-3663 or fill out the online submission form for a free, no obligation consultation.

By: Heather Van Tassell (contributing writer, non-lawyer)